The Game of Weight Loss
Is the gamification of fitness really what you need or want? Or is this simply better than nothing?
11 Eating Behaviors You Should Know (Part 2)
Continued from this post…
7) Cook Your Own Food
Food Rule #63 believe it or
The Pillars of Fitness Success
Notice that ‘Mindset’ is the foundation?
I’ve recently updated my
Start With Why
> “Begin with the end in mind” ~ Stephen Covey, from the Seven Habits of Highly
Effective People
Taken at face
Weight Loss Is Your Responsibility
This is the flip side to the post I wrotelast week
and a key
Find Fitness Flow (3 Things)
In 1990,Mihaly Csikszentimihalyi
[](that’s a mouthful, I
know; pronounced CHEEK-SENT-ME-HY-EE) published
Five Reasons, Food Guides Don't Work
And what to do about it!
While I admire, the efforts by our governments, in developed and otherwise
overweight nations,
Removing Negative Self Talk
Also known as ‘Silencing Your Own Worst Critic.’ We all deal with a little
negative self-talk from time to time.
How to Hire a Good Coach
biggest hero? Possibly...
Let’s face it, not everyone really