What's the Difference between Work Sets and Warm-Up Sets?
Obviously, your real first set probably shouldn't be 3 pies per side. But how do you determine when the warm-up becomes the workout and vice versa?
The Importance of Movement Variability
It's a relatively new concept but almost NO ONE considers movement variability as a key component to exercise programming. You should, here's why...
How to Return to Resistance Training After Time-Off
You’re going to have to take some time off from training sooner or later.
That’s the good news
Alternating Resistance Training
What is alternating resistance training and does it have a place in your routine? When and why?
How to Approach Single-Limb Resistance Training
A lot of human movement happens on one leg or with one arm. Here's how to approach training one limb at a time.
How to Safely Get Started With Exercise - Part 2 Resistance Training
This is a step-by-step guide for safely integrating resistance training into your exercise schedule.
Resistance Training Terminology
Find the language of resistance training confusing? This is a catch-all glossary of terms for all the common resistance training terminology.
Neuromuscular Training Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE)
Exertion and Intensity are not the same things. Here's how to use Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) in resistance training programming.
A Guide to Resistance Training Weight Increases
How do you add, subtract and manipulate the resistance you use in training? This is a comprehensive guide to resistance training weight increases.
Technical Failure vs Absolute Failure
Training proximity to failure is an important training variable. Here's the important distinction between absolute failure and technical failure training.