The Idea of Weight Loss vs Execution
Want to get fit, or lose some weight this year? Having a great idea or plan certainly helps, but is it enough? This is why execution matters, maybe more...
Fear is Not a Motivator
It is a human assumption that fear as a motivator for change has a high
probability of success and that
Effort Is Natural
I couldnât say this any better than that, in fact the first time I heard this,
not moments ago,
The Definition of Insanity
âDoing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.â
O.K. so thatâs Einsteinâs
Affirm Your Way to Weight Loss
If you read any of my stuff with some regularity youâll notice that I use quotes
quite often in
The Definition of Exercise
The Bahamas 2009
Is this exercising or just enjoying the scenery?
Find Fitness Flow (3 Things)
In 1990,Mihaly Csikszentimihalyi
[](thatâs a mouthful, I
know; pronounced CHEEK-SENT-ME-HY-EE) published
Five Reasons, Food Guides Don't Work
And what to do about it!
While I admire, the efforts by our governments, in developed and otherwise
overweight nations,
Beware Absolutes and Extremists
Extremists often give things a bad name.
If we think of religion, extremists are often the ones that do a
Willpower vs Imagery
[]CC Jen Gallardo
I hear these words every day,âI really donâ