Six Everyday Elements Holding You Back
I first stumbled across the work of Kerry Paterson, Joseph Grenny,
The Idea of Weight Loss vs Execution
Want to get fit, or lose some weight this year? Having a great idea or plan certainly helps, but is it enough? This is why execution matters, maybe more...
Fear is Not a Motivator
It is a human assumption that fear as a motivator for change has a high
probability of success and that
Start With Why
> “Begin with the end in mind” ~ Stephen Covey, from the Seven Habits of Highly
Effective People
Taken at face
The PIESSEO Theory Explained
Perfectly Balanced (Which is pretty much impossible…)
The Piesseo theory is
Weight Loss Is Your Responsibility
This is the flip side to the post I wrotelast week
and a key
Find Your Limiting Factor
Chances are you already know what’s holding you back, you just don’t know how to
change it.
Fish Don't Know They're In Water
I got this saying fromDerek Sivers [],writer
The Definition of Insanity
“Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.”
O.K. so that’s Einstein’s
Do Your Beliefs Hold You Back?
People will find excuses, any at all, to support their beliefs and sometimes
The power of the mind