Find Your Limiting Factor
Chances are you already know what’s holding you back, you just don’t know how to
change it.
Fish Don't Know They're In Water
I got this saying fromDerek Sivers [],writer
Three Little Secrets of Fitness Motivation
Nothing drives me more crazy than carrots and sticks in health and fitness.
The model is flawed, severely, and definitely
Stop Majoring In the Minor Details
Stop mulling over minor details, start acting on important things!
As you can imagine, being a fitness coach, I field
Before You Set a Goal
There is an important caveat to goal setting that I feel as though many people
miss in the process.
Stop Trying to Be Perfect
"Anything not done perfectly isn't worth doing." Is a mantra I grew up with. And here's why it is totally and completely wrong. Perfectionism isn't good.