The Dimensions of Well-Being
[]CC Mait Jüriado
(Interesting Balance?)It’s not exactly a ‘buzz-word,’ but
Stop Trying to Be Perfect
"Anything not done perfectly isn't worth doing." Is a mantra I grew up with. And here's why it is totally and completely wrong. Perfectionism isn't good.
The FUNdamentals of Sport
FUNdamental movement patterns for athletics
The FUNdamentals of the sport
Are you Running or Training?
I’ve been curious for years about this, ever since I was an 8 year old kid
running laps around
Gym Jargon: Training Notation (Part 1)
Training should be simple. Training should be simple. Training should be simple.
Try saying that 10 times fast.
When I
What Is Well-Being?
This is a blog dedicated to enhancing your quality of life by teaching you skills. Quality of life and well-being