Fitness Autonomy (Four Things)
When you see someone develop fitness autonomy it's a glorious thing. Here are the four things you need to consider to grow towards it. Task. Time. Technique. Team.
Three Little Secrets of Fitness Motivation
Nothing drives me more crazy than carrots and sticks in health and fitness.
The model is flawed, severely, and definitely
Stop Majoring In the Minor Details
Stop mulling over minor details, start acting on important things!
As you can imagine, being a fitness coach, I field
Where Did Common Sense Go?
How does one sit on a crocodile?
Is common sense really not all that common? That’s the saying, according
How to Keep Weight Off
No gimmicks here.
You can learn to lose weight and keep it off for the rest of your life if
Why Goals Suck (Part II)
OK, so they may not literally suck, you got me, they’re just misunderstood, and
hopefully the title grabbed your
Why Goals Suck (Part I)
Update July, 2012 – I had an epiphany that goals suck way back in 2009. These
two posts written in late
Five Reasons, Food Guides Don't Work
And what to do about it!
While I admire, the efforts by our governments, in developed and otherwise
overweight nations,
Willpower vs Imagery
[]CC Jen Gallardo
I hear these words every day,‘I really don’
Stop Worrying About Your Heart Rate
[]CC Stephen Poff
Learning everything there is to know about heart rate